
Have you ever wondered why coffee from different places each has a unique flavor and scent?
The answer lies within the beans’ remarkable ability to unravel and absorb stories in their surrounding, such as from the fecund ground, the gentle breeze, the drizzling rain, and the towering trees. The essences from these stories are extracted, refined, and processed over time until a special taste and scent is born …
With a deep-rooted attachment to its surrounding, the roasted coffee will imbue the taste and scent it has long been cultivating, which is … the story that the coffee wants to impart unto us. This is why coffee from different areas has its own tale to tell, and thus, one hundred families of coffee will have one hundred captivating tales to pass on …
Let’s hear one of them …
Novel Berry, stories told through nature
A brilliantly constructed story is usually a product of a superb concept. The same can be said for coffee. Beans intensely rich in flavor are a product of fertile soil honed by the plentiful resources in its environment, and hence, ingraining stories into the coffee beans. Therefore, Imbue’ has selected original Arabica beans with the deepest, most concentrated flavors from a myriad of coffee plants. The beans are processed by traditional methods of cultivating the plants under a canopy of trees to protect the fragile beans from being sun-scorched, which may weaken the authentic taste and flavor. As a result, the sheltering foliage also transmits its story to the coffee cherries.
During harvesting, Imbue’ selectively hand picks all ripe cherries to ensure that only premium quality beans will be roasted. Hand picking allows minimal damage to the beans, which outstrips machine processing that may cause beans to split. This method guarantees precise selection of fine Novel Berry beans with a special taste and tale.
Instilling the story, unraveling the tales … perfecting the taste
Stories in ripe cherries are brimming to be revealed, but the beans must be roasted for an impeccable flavor before they can be tasted. Experienced roasters must have an eye for detail and a profound understanding of coffee because these are keys to drawing out all the stories from the plants’ environment. Their role is to relay the taste of each bean flawlessly. Afterwards, distillation assembles and passes the stories on to coffee tasters with prudence, as not to lose the heart and soul of each tale.
Enjoy the brew, delight the details
The delight in drinking coffee in reality transcends the flavor because tasters are also ingesting the mystifying stories sip by sip. However, this is usually overlooked by most … only those with an intrinsic interest for coffee and a keen sense of taste will experience the intense satiation that comes while savoring the coffee. Through the scrupulous processing of each bean, the spirit and story that Imbue’ wants to convey via its Novel Berry coffee will everlastingly charm its customers time and again.